Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2015, Vol 32, Num, 2 (Pages: 119-128)
The effects of different rootstocks on fruit quality of some Clementine mandarin varieties and types
Ertuğrul TURGUTOĞLU 1 ,Şenay KURT 1 ,Gülay DEMİR 1
1 Batı Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü, Antalya
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Effects of Common sour orange and Troyer citrange rootstocks on fruit quality properties were researched for Fina and Clemanules varieties and 64, 68, 90 Clementine types. These varieties and types grafted on Sour orange and Troyer citrange rootstocks were planted in 1996. Common sour orange and Troyer citrange affected similarly on the fruit quality of Clementine varieties and types. It could be suggested that, these rootstocks should be used for Clementine mandarin cultivars.
Keywords :
Citrus, Clementine mandarin, Rootstock, Fruit quality