Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2019, Vol 36, Num, 2 (Pages: 124-134)
Investigation of genetic diversity of different accessions of resistance against Phytophthora capsici L. using SRAP and SSR markers
2 Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü Emekli Öğretim Üyesi, Adana DOI : 10.16882/derim.2019.557877 Viewed : 8705 - Downloaded : 1198 Phytophthora capsici L. is one of the most important pathogens of pepper in the world. Different genetic resources that resistant to P. capsici have been reported so far. Determination of the phylogenetic relationships of resistant pepper genotypes is important for transferring of resistance gene/genes to cultivated varieties. In this study, 12 pepper genotypes from different accessions of resistance and 4 susceptible genotypes tested with P. capsici were identified genetic relationship among genotypes using 144 SRAP (Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism) and 27 SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) primer combinations. 31 SRAP primers were polymorphic and yielded 254 polymorphic DNA fragments. Fifty SRAP primers were only monomorphic. However, 32 SRAP primers were not produced PCR products. Results showed that 16 pepper genotypes were genetically separated from each other by SRAP primers. Twelve SSR primers yielded total 36 DNA fragments, 33 of these were polymorphic (93%). However 15 SSR primers only produced monomorphic DNA bands. Results showed that Pepper genotypes PM-217 KM2-11, Perennial LS-279, PBC-178, Sera Demre, PBC 179 and KMAE-12 were not separated with SSR markers. When the SRAP and SSR marker data were evaluated together, the results were more informative about the genetic relationship of genotypes and clustering by origin. Findings indicated that the genotype CM 334 which is resistance resource to P. capsici was genetically different from PM 702, Perennial, PM-217, Taiwan's group called as PBC label (1364, 1365, 178, 179 and 413) and KM211 selected from Kahramanmaraş pepper populations. Keywords : Pepper; Phytophthoracapsici L.; SRAP; SSR; Genetic relationship