Horticultural Studies (HortiS) 2012, Vol 29, Num, 2     (Pages: 58-69)


Fatma Seren SAĞIR 1 ,Şenay KARABIYIK 2 ,Sinan ETİ 2 ,Bilge YILMAZ 2

1 Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü 59000 TEKİRDAĞ
2 Çukurova Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü 01330 ADANA
Viewed : 1781 - Downloaded : 1001 Selection of suitable pollinizers is very important for persimmon that have a widespread problem in fruit setting. This study aims to contribute for solving this problem. Study was carried out in 2010 vegetation period with 17 years old persimmon trees in Adana conditions. For this purpose, the suitability of Bruniquel and Ghora Gali pollinizer cultivars were searched for 9 local persimmon types (07TH05, 07TH06, 07TH13, 07TH14, 07TH17, 31TH01, 31TH02, 31TH03 and 33TH01).

In laboratory tests of pollen viability, germination and quantity, it was determined that the potential of Ghora Gali and Bruniquel is satisfactory for a pollinizer. With controlled-pollination treatments, fruit drop was reduced compared with open pollination and non-pollination treatments. In terms of this, the best pollinator for 07TH14 and 33TH01 was Bruniquel and for 07TH06 and 07TH17 it was Ghora Gali. Both Bruniquel and Ghora Gali became suitable pollinators for 07TH05. In 07TH13, 31TH02 and 31TH03 genotypes, the best results were obtained from open pollination treatments. At the same time, 07TH14 and 33TH01 genotypes have high affinity to parthenocarpy because of their fruit set ability while there is not any pollinizer. Keywords : Persimmon, Pollinizer, Fruit set, Parthenocarpy