Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2020, Vol 37, Num, 2 (Pages: 150-154)
Determination of Pests and Beneficial Species in Avocado Orchards in Antalya Province
Tuba KAHRAMAN 1 ,Musa KIRIŞIK 1 ,Mehmet Uğur KAHRAMAN 1
1 Batı Akdeniz Agricultural Research Instiute, 07100, Antalya / Turkey
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This study was conducted to determine the pests and beneficial species found in Avocado orchards in Antalya province, Turkey. Survey studies were carried out between the years of 2018-2020 in Alanya, Aksu, Finike, Gazipaşa, Kemer, Manavgat, Muratpaşa, Serik and Kumluca districts of Antalya that have avocado production. In the surveys, visual examination, counting of the branch, knock down, and trapping methods were used. As a result of the study, 18 pest species belonging to 13 families and 6 orders and 15 beneficial species belonging to 4 orders and 5 families were determined.
Keywords :
Avocado, Parasitoid, Pest, Predator