Horticultural Studies (HortiS) 2021, Vol 38, Num, 2     (Pages: 071-084)

Effects of Chilling Injury, Physical and Biochemical Changes on Grafted Watermelons Stored at Low Temperature

Elif ÇANDIR 1 ,Ahmet Erhan ÖZDEMİR 1 ,Halit YETİŞİR 2 ,Veysel ARAS 3 ,Ömer ARSLAN 4 ,Özay BALTAER 1 ,Mustafa ÜNLÜ 3

1 Hatay Mustafa Kemal University Faculty of Agriculture Department of Horticulture, 31001, Antakya, Turkey
2 Erciyes University Seyrani Faculty of Agriculture Department of Horticulture, 38030, Kayseri, Turkey
3 Alata Horticultural Research Institute, 33740, Mersin, Turkey
4 Mersin Directorate of Provincial Agriculture and Forestry, 33130, Mersin, Turkey
DOI : 10.16882/HortiS.951086 Viewed : 1949 - Downloaded : 1038 Watermelon fruit from Crimson Tide (CT) and Crisby (CR) grafted onto Ferro, RS841, Argentario, and Macis rootstocks and ungrafted CT and CR were compared for effects of low temperature storage on chilling injury, physical and biochemical changes at 0°C and 85‒90% relative humidity for 21 days. After storage, fruit were hold to 21°C and 75‒80% relative humidity for 7 days to determine shelf life. Quality analyses were determined during storage and shelf life at a weekly interval. The chilling injury areas covered <25% of rind surface of fruit for both cultivars. Weight loss in grafted and control fruit were very low (<1%) during storage for both cultivars. Fungal decay was not observed during storage for both cultivars, but it was seen during the shelf life for both cultivars. Total soluble solid content remained above 10% in fruit of both cultivars throughout storage period. Lycopene content significantly decreased at the end of storage for both cultivars. Keywords : Grafting Quality Rootstock Storage Watermelon