Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2017, Vol 34, Num, 2 (Pages: 172-181)
Determination of efficiency of energy dissipating structures with CFD method
Kenan BÜYÜKTAŞ 1 ,Ahmet TEZCAN 1 ,İmran SAJID 1
1 Akdeniz Ünivers ites i Ziraat Fakültes i Tarıms al Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü , Antalya
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In this study, it was used data such as inlet water flow, velocity, flow heights, out let flow etc. belonging to
diversion dam made by DSI 13th Regional Directorate. These values were calculated according to the calculation
criteria used during dam and diversion dam project planning of DSI 13 th Regional Directorate. Then, diversion
dam was modeled in real size in ANSYS software. Thus, analysis was done by defining boundary and initial
conditions to model created in the ANSYS software. Values obtained from end of the simulations such as
efficiency of energy dissipating structures, the pressures that the flows will occur, velocity distributions, water flow
model, changes in water depth along stilling basin were compared with the calculated values. At the end of the
study, while the initial water velocity was 8.5 ms -1 and the water depth was 0.46 m obtained from DSI software,
these values were measured as 4.8 ms -1 and 0.57 m respectively, after energy dissipating structures. Similarly,
while the initial water velocity obtained at the end of the simulation is 8.5 ms -1, this value reduced to 4.4 ms-1 after
energy dissipating structures. Simulation results show that the CFD method can be used by researchers in the
planning of engineering works such as dams and diversion dam because the flow values obtained are highly
similar to the calculated values (92%).
Keywords :
Small dam; Energy dissipating structures; CFD; Simulation