Horticultural Studies (HortiS)
2018, Vol 35, Num, 2 (Pages: 201-208)
The comparison of different stubble management systems in terms of fuel, capacity and direct sowing
2 Dicle Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Tarım Makineleri Bölümü, Diyarbakır DOI : 10.16882/derim.2018.371702 Viewed : 2182 - Downloaded : 1046 The stubble that remains on the field after the harvest is burned generally by the farmers in Southeastern Anatolia Region. This study was carried out in order to reduce the problems caused by stubble burning in our country and our region to recommend a wheat harvesting method for farmers. The study that was carried out in 2012 contained two different stubble height and five different stubble management systems. Fuel consumption, field efficiency and the amount of stubble on the field surface were examined in the study. After these applied methods, lentil was directly planted on the harvested areas with a mechanic planter. The effects of the stubble management systems on the rate of seed emergence of lentil were investigated. As a result, the highest fuel consumption was obtained from the system which is making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and removing the straw from the field by trailer attached to the combine-harvester as 29.41 L ha-1 while the highest field efficiency and amount of stubble on the field surface were determined at the system which is harvesting wheat by combine-harvester and leaving the stubble on the field as 1.85 ha h-1 and 3716.43 kg ha-1 respectively. Also the highest rates of seed emergence were obtained from the system which is making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and removing the straw from the field by trailer attached to the combineharvester as 213.77 number m-2 and from the system making straw by chopper mounted on combine-harvester and spreading the straw to field surface as 203.99 number m-2. Keywords : Stubble management; Wheat; Lentil; Direct sowing